Why Eat The Rainbow?

You’ve probably heard the expression ‘eat the rainbow.’ Not only do vibrant colourful foods look incredible and taste incredible, getting a full spectrum of colours in your diet also helps you get a full spectrum of nutrients too. Here’s a quick overview of some of the main benefits and nutrients in fresh colourful produce: Red…

10 Easy Tips for Optimal Health

  During the holiday season, it can be easy to let our health slide a little! Whether you’re in the midst of a hectic Christmas or if you’re already setting your sights on new year resolutions, here are 10 easy tips to help you thrive through the holidays, into new year and far beyond. Move…

What is Shirodhara?

  Shirodhara is a form of Ayurveda therapy that involves gently pouring liquids over the forehead and can be one of the steps involved in Panchakarma. The name comes from the Sanskrit words shiro (head) and dhara (flow). A stress-releasing treatment during which warm oil is poured over the third eye, forehead and temples to soothe…